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Tips for Keeping Your Home’s Indoor Air Healthy

healthy indoor air

Healthy indoor air is as vital to your family’s comfort as a cool, refreshing home in summer and a comfortable one in winter. However, indoor air quality problems can affect your family year-round. Some issues may be different during the cooler months of the year than they are in summer, but it is important to address them all whenever they occur. Here are a few ways to enhance your family’s comfort by improving the quality of your Southshore, LA indoor air:

Balance Indoor Humidity

In areas like New Orleans, which experience hot, humid summers, it’s especially critical to maintain a comfortable range of relative humidity inside your home. Research done by the U.S. Dept. of Energy (USDOE) has demonstrated that using a whole- home dehumidifier, set to 55 percent relative humidity, in conjunction with a conventional air conditioning system, set to 78 degrees Fahrenheit, can provide superior indoor comfort in hot, humid climates over using an air conditioner alone and setting that AC system 3 degrees lower. Since balancing relative humidity also improves indoor air quality, this combination provides even greater benefits. In fall and winter, when AC may not be needed, a whole home dehumidifier can handle the task all by itself, if needed at all.

Improve IAQ While Saving Energy

As if the above advantages of combining a whole home dehumidifier with a traditional air conditioner, weren’t enough, the USDOE stated another benefit derived from this highly compatible combination: “Additionally, the cooling system was able to achieve these improved comfort conditions while saving energy.” In this particular experiment, energy savings weighed in at a significant 8.2 percent. Improved indoor comfort plus enhanced breathability plus energy savings equal a real win/win/win.

Capture & Kill Airborne Contaminants

Airborne contaminants can be an issue year-round. And that’s where an air purifier can come to your rescue. While air filters simply trap the contaminants that pass through them, air purifiers both capture and kill allergens and other pollutants, freeing your home of high percentages of these often-harmful substances that compromise indoor air quality (IAQ).

Target Your Home’s Breathing Zone

Combining AC, dehumidification, and air purification technologies can give you the right tools you need for increasing comfort, saving energy and making your home more breathable. For further information about these IAQ solutions, call Caribbean Breeze Heating & Cooling: Northshore at (504) 517-7595 or Southshore at (504) 517-7595. We’re here to help you breathe easier.

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