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We Provide Natural Gas Testing and Service

happy comfortable family

Natural gas is an energy-efficient source for heating, but the gas lines require professional attention to ensure safe operation. A gas-fired furnace, stove or water heater that doesn’t operate properly can cause a fire or explosion. That’s why many cities and parishes in the New Orleans area require natural gas testing before utilities can restore service. Our knowledgeable service experts can provide the gas testing you need to enjoy a comfortable and safe environment.

Testing for Gas Leaks

Gas furnaces work by burning fuel in a sealed combustion chamber. In normal operation, vent pipes and flues carry dangerous by-products generated during this process safely outside. Any leaks in the gas lines, however, can allow deadly gases like carbon monoxide to infiltrate your home or business. At Caribbean Breeze Heating & Cooling, our natural gas testing procedure helps keep everyone safe:

  • We utilize a specialized gauge to test the gas pressure and identify leaks.
  • If the gauge indicates a leak, we check the gas lines to determine its exact location.
  • We evaluate the problem with you to determine whether you need a repair or replacement.
  • We’ll then complete the work and help you reinstate your service with a gas line inspection.

Gas Service, Repairs and Replacements

When the temperature plummets in Louisiana, a gas furnace will surround you with warmth and comfort. Our natural gas services help ensure your furnace works safely and efficiently when you most need it. In addition to gas line repairs and replacements, we offer HVAC maintenance services to optimize your heating system. We’re proud to provide our residential and commercial clients with a full range of HVAC solutions.

If your gas service is interrupted for any reason, call the pros at Caribbean Breeze Heating & Cooling at (504) 517-7595. We’ll perform the natural gas testing you need to get your service up and running!

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